i dont even have the 20 min it takes to write a good, solid blog post... complete with cute commentary and precious pictures. instead, i have time to jot down a few things i want to remember that i may or may not write a "fancier" blog post about later.
so, sweet mary tyler, here's what's been going on with you the past 3 weeks: (you'll be 3 weeks old in 2 days)
- you lost your umbilical cord stump on friday, march 2nd at 15 days old. WOHOO!
- we gave you your first bath on Saturday, March 3rd. and you LOVED IT!!!! You didn't make a peep when we put you in or took you out. You were just as content as can be. Daddy is thrilled that you're a little "water baby" and cant wait to make a swimmer out of you. (but those 5:30 am swim practices like he used to go to are for the birds... or for him to take you to. ill be sleepin)
- you make the sweetest little cooing sound when you nurse at your 5/6am feeding. I dont know why thats the only feeding you do it at. I like to think bc its the quietest time of night or day and its just you and mommy and you want to make it memorable and special for me.... or maybe you're trying to help keep me awake.
- you have a really hard time pooping. sorry if this embarrasses you later, but poor little thing! you strain and you fuss and you turn as red as a beet, but when you finally get it out, you just melt, totally relaxed.
- you love to stretchhhhh and put both hands behind your head with your elbows flared out and just arch your back as far as you can. you're also really good at holding your head up.
- you HATE having your diaper changed, esp when that cold wipe hits your bottom. you still dont full out "CRY" you just fuss and whimper. i try to warm the wipe up a little bit in my hand before i touch it to your soft skin, that helps a TINY bit.
- you don't like the process of being swaddled in your miracle blanket, at all. but as soon as youre a tightly wrapped little baby burrito, you're better. you've slept in your miracle blanket every night since youve been home from the hospital.
- your brother and sister (d0ggies) loud, howling and barks do not wake you up, at all. Annie can howl right by your head and you sleep right through it! Probably bc she laid right by my stomach while I was pregnant with you and did the same thing all the time :)
- you are SUCH a good and efficient eater and have been since day 1. I am counting my blessings, after hearing so many breast feeding horror stories and "warnings" before you were born, you've been SO GOOD! a great latch since the first time you fed. i havent had one single instance of a cracked or bleeding nipple and only used lanolin for the first week of feeding you. i understand what a blessing this is and i am so sorry to you mommies who had to struggle with it! i never expected breast feeding to be a breeze for me, thank you, Jesus.
- You eat around 11, we change you and swaddle you and then we put you down for bed. you sleep in the newborn napper part of your pack n play in our room. i have the monitor set up on it bc the doctor told me not to have you right beside the bed, or else you can smell me and wake up wanting to eat more often. so when we put you in there, mommy gets in bed, too and i lay and watch you wiggle and squirm for about 10 min on the monitor before you finally fall asleep. you love the "vibrate" option on the napper. sometimes when it shuts off after the first 30 min you start fussing and as soon as i turn it back on again you are content.
- you love your paci, when you'll take it! sometimes we think you really want it and you refuse. you push it away then grab for it frantically like a little crazed baby. and flap your hands and arms all around. but when you do finally take it you suck suck suck. like maggie on the simpsons. the regular pacis (nuk, mam, and soothies) gag you! we put them in and you gag bad. so we finally figured out the Dr. Brown's paci's are thin and not as long and those are the ones you'll take right now.
- when you are awake and playing you just sit in your lounger or mamaroo (which you love) and kick kick kick your feet and flap your little hands and arms. and smile and grunt. and look all around the room! your eyes get SO BIG when you are having fun "flapping." we see more real (as opposed to gassy) smiles here and there and can't wait for you to smile in reaction to us!! shouldn't be too much longer now! dr. said between 4 and 6 weeks.
- you take a bottle (of breastmilk) from Daddy every morning around 9 when he gets up for work. He brings your downstairs and makes his breakfast and coffee and feeds you then takes you back up to his office and puts you in your mamaroo while he starts work. This let's mommy sleep from 9 til around 11 when you wake up again. and is a HUGE HELP since im up so much during the middle of the night. We'll see how much longer you actually keep letting us do this :) for now, its amazing. *the doctor told us you'd probably take 1.5 to 2 oz. of breastmilk from the bottle... you will drink 3.5!!!!! but we are only feeding you 2.5 now bc one day you stayed really full and didn't eat well throughout the day and were up all night!*
- you are the absolute best thing that's ever happened to your daddy and i. we cant believe how much you change and grow every day and we love you more anything!
- - pictures and videos to come as soon as i get another break :) - -