Pregnancy Highlights
How Far along? 9 weeks 1 day
Size of the Baby? green olive early in the week, then graduating to a prune!! a prune seems big!
Maternity Clothes? not yet.. pants still uncomfortable
Gender? still feeling like its a baby girl :)
Movement? Definitely not.
Sleep? Still sleeping well and enjoying sleeping on my stomach for these last few weeks that i still can :)
Cravings? Nope, but aversions galore. Any international food ... BLEH!!! An im usually mexican and japanese's #1 fan... right now. that sounds horrific! I am finally eating some meat again. We had Five Guys tonight, it was good!
Symptoms? Symptoms are SLOWLY but SURELY fading. the nausea is coming in waves now instead of being constant. It's definitely worse in the morning when I wake up and at night when im trying to fall asleep. My *ahem* lady lumps are K-I-L-L-I-N-G meeeee!!! I wish I had started off in the itty bitty titty committee before this pregnancy because these things are in.the.way. Haha sorry for the TMI but I don't know how much bigger and painful they can get. Does that go away?? Other than that, I'm feeling better this week. Still getting an occasional headache.
What I miss? FALL AND WINTER!!! haha this isnt even pregnancy related but i CANT WAIT for cooler weather. This heat is so yesterday. Longing for the crisp afternoon winds, a pumpkin spice latte, and toting a blanket with me to Friday night football games!!
Milestones? None with the baby. But my birthday is on Sunday!!! A quarter of a century... eek!
Baby Center Update for week 9: Your baby's growth is fast and furious this week. He or she is nearly an inch and a half long and the size of a prune, but not nearly as shriveled (even with all the time it spends in water). In fact, your baby is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming, and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms (complete with elbows) can flex already, but don't run to the store for a baseball bat just yet. Though your baby's arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is only about the size of this number 1. The tooth bud fairy is making her appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your baby's little choppers, which are forming under the gums. (Those pearly whites won't break through the gums until your baby is close to six months old). Other systems are go, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if your baby's a boy, he's already producing testosterone (yikes!).
Will post pictures tomorrow... I swear I can tell a difference from those 6 wk pictures! !
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